Our Mission

Lakeridge-Reno Partners, LLC (Lyon Management Group, Inc., Newport Beach, CA) purchased and demolished the Lakeridge Tennis Club and is moving forward with plans to build over 300 apartment units on 9.5 acres. This is a dramatic increase from the ~130 units that they previously wanted to build. We need your help to save the Lakeridge Neighborhood and to tell the City of Reno to revert the zoning to MF-14.

Problems with 6000 Plumas

Building Density & Volume

The overall zoning density of the area is approximately 12-14 units per acre. This plan would increase it to about 33—35 units per acre for 6000 Plumas. The current plan by the developer is to put their 314 units in eight, tightly packed, four-story buildings despite the fact that there are no four-story buildings anywhere near 6000 Plumas. Furthermore the aesthetics in the proposed architecture are incompatible with the surrounding neighborhood.

Traffic Congestion & Safety

While the City of Reno does not believe that this project will adversely affect traffic, the traffic at the intersection of Lakeside and McCarran is already rated as an, “F", by the regional traffic authority; this is the lowest possible score for an intersection. The developer is claiming that 314 units with the possibility of having over 700 residents will mitigate traffic concerns. The potential increase in congestion presents major safety concerns for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. This corridor is a major wildfire evacuation route and now faces further congestion.

Deceptive Maneuvering

The original representative of the developer presented to over 200 neighbors that they would build approximately 150 units on the 9.5 acre parcel; a portion of the club, swimming pools, and tennis courts would be preserved. The neighbors did not challenge the zoning change because they were satisfied with the original representation. Upon obtaining the zoning change, the developer immediately submitted a new plan for 314 units on the 9.5 acre parcel after demolishing all of the Lakeridge Tennis Club, including the parts they claimed they wanted to preserve for the people.

What’s next?

The residents appealed to the City of Reno Councilmembers on April 28th, 2021, with the Councilmembers voting 4-3 in favor of the developers. Please click here to read about the meeting. This isn’t the end. Stay tuned as we move forward with our next steps.