Nevada SB12 is a step away from equitability.

Nevada SB12 threatens to undo a crucial step towards equitable representation in the City of Reno. The bill, if passed, will repeal a previous law that changed the City Charter to eliminate the at-large city council seat and replaced it with a sixth district starting in 2024. This change was made to ensure that all residents of Reno have equal and effective representation in their local government.

Since August 2022, the City of Reno has been advocating for the preservation of the at-large council seat with little-to-no public input; the passage of SB12 would stop the creation of the sixth district, leaving the at-large council seat intact and potentially undermining the voices of many Reno residents; the change to the City Charter was voted on and passed by the Nevada State Legislature in 2017 with much public input and the advocacy of the City of Reno behind it.

It's crucial that we all take action to oppose SB12. By contacting our assembly people and senators, we can make our voices heard and prevent this bill from becoming law. We must stand together to protect the progress that has been made towards equitable representation in Reno.

Some numbers: As of 2021 it's estimated that the City of Reno has just over 268,000 residents. Currently the Mayor and at-large Councilmember represent all 268,000 people with the remaining five (in a perfect world) representing ~53,600 residents each. By adding a sixth district, the Mayor would continue to represent all 268,000 people, but each of the six Councilmembers would represent just under 47,700 people each, allowing more attention to the unique problems that face each Ward.

If you care about the future of your community and want to ensure that all voices are heard in local government, please take action today. Contact your assembly members and senators and urge them to vote against SB12. Together, we can preserve the progress that has been made towards a more equitable and effective Reno.

Click here to read the entire bill and track its progress.

The bill comes before the senate on April 14, 2023. Please email your legislator and this committee to tell them to vote “NO” on SB12. Let the Mayor do her at-large position and let’s make sure we have an ELECTED 6th ward representative.

Senate Committee on Government Affairs

Edgar Flores, Chair -
James Ohrenschall, Vice Chair -
Skip Daly -
Pete Goicoechea -
Lisa Kranser -


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