On April 28th at 6:00 p.m. the Reno City Council will hear appeals from 18 appellants about case LDC21-00036 (6000 Plumas St. Redevelopment). The 314 condo unit development slated to be built on the nine acre parcel of the former Lakeridge Tennis Club needs to change and you can help make that happen! We know a development will be build here and we simply want a development that will be more compatible with the neighborhood - THIS DOES NOT REQUIRE CUTTING DOWN SEVEN EVERGREENS.

If you want to understand how we got here, please click here to read a previous post made by Jim.

In a nutshell, on March 17th, 2021, in a 5-to-2 vote, Reno’s Planning Commission approved Lyon Living’s (an out-of-state developer) EIGHT, FOUR story tall buildings, with an average roof pitch of 49’ 10”. The five votes in favor of this development were Peter Gower, Alex Velto, Kathleen Taylor, JD Drakulich, and John Marshall. Opposed to this development were Mark Johnson and Arthur Munoz.

With the currently approved plans, this development DOES NOT, “conserve and enhance the character of Reno’s established residential neighborhood,” which is one of the main purposes of Article 2 of Title 18 - Reno’s Land Development Code.

Why do they need to CUT DOWN these seven MATURE EVERGREENS on McCarran between Lakeside and Plumas, on the South side of McCarran?

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These trees will be CUT DOWN so the developer can move some of the existing retaining wall further South on the parcel to construct a portion of a new sidewalk.

How do we know this?

The documents filed with the City of Reno include information on which trees will stay and which trees will be cut down. Below is an enlarged section of the tree impact slide that is on Page 41 of the packet provided to the Planning Commissioners for their March 17th hearing. The red triangle indicate the seven trees that Lyon Living is planning on cutting down.

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What can you do?

Speak for the trees!

Write YOUR elected Councilmember and other elected officials, and express your feelings about these seven mature evergreen trees and your feelings about the development at 6000 Plumas. Please reference LDC21-00036 in your public comment.

Share our information with friends and family in our community and ask them to write their Councilmember.

This isn’t just a Lakeridge issue - this is happening all around the city with land developers cutting down trees to make way for dense, overcrowded, housing. These mature trees are integral to the beauty of the City of Reno, and provide buffering and screening for our neighborhoods. The 10-foot tall evergreens that will be planted in place of these mature evergreens will not offer the screening of a four story building for 25-to-30 years.

If you want to have your voice heard, don’t wait as the hearing is on April 28th, and all public comments need to be submitted by April 27th at 4:00 p.m..

Don’t forget to reference case number LDC21-00036.

Don’t like email? Call and leave a voicemail! +1 (775) 393-4499.

Mayor Hillary Schieve - mayor@reno.gov

Ward 1 Jenny Brekhus - brekhusj@reno.gov

Ward 3 Oscar Delgado - delgadoo@reno.gov

Ward 5 Neoma Jardon - jardonn@reno.gov

At-Large Devon Reese - reesed@reno.gov

Ward 2 Naomi Duerr - duerrn@reno.gov

Ward 4 Bonnie Weber - weberb@reno.gov

This blog post was submitted by Megan, one of the LDC21-00036 Appellants.


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March 2021 Planning Commission Meeting