Support Save Our Reno’s advocacy.
Donate Today, to Support Our Mission!
The residents behind Save Our Reno are not only volunteering their time and energy, but are also paying for signs, shirts, a professional lobbyist, advertising, and more. Help us share our story with more people in an effort to save our open spaces throughout the City of Reno.
To make a monetary donation, please mail a check made payable to, “Battle Born Women PAC,” and in the memo write, “Save Our Reno.”
ATTN: Save Our Reno
Battle Born Women PAC
P.O. Box 17041
Reno, NV 89511
While donations will help us with our mission, they are not tax deductible, and unless otherwise specified you will not receive anything in return for your donation. While donations are made to Battle Born Women PAC, money earmarked for Save Our Reno will ONLY be used to preserve open spaces in Reno through venues allowed by Local, State, and Federal law. If you have any questions, please reach out by emailing us at contact@saveourreno.com and a volunteer will get back to you as soon as possible.
Battle Born Women PAC is a registered Political Action Committee in Nevada, and the residents behind Save Our Reno have set politics aside to come together for this important issue that affects all neighbors.