1 Golf Club Dr.
Toll Brothers is seeking the re-zoning of the 6.6 acre driving range at Lakeridge Golf Course to enable the purchase of it from the Lakeridge Golf Course owner. If successful, Toll Brothers intends to build 46 townhouses on the parcel, thereby eliminating the driving range at the Lakeridge Golf Course. The driving range parcel is adjacent to Toll Brothers’ 6.7 acre “Hilltop” development that will consist of 38 townhouses starting in the mid-$600,000’s.
Future Concerns About 1 Golf Club Dr.
Loss of Open Spaces
We believe that removing a driving range from a golf course would remove the ability to warm up and practice. Because of this, Lakeridge Golf Course could become very undesirable and eventually result in golfers seeking other golf courses to play. The loss of income may lead the owners of the Lakeridge Golf Course to seek economic redress from the Planning Commission to rezone the ENTIRE golf course and remove its Open Space zoning designation.
Noise, Pollution, and Traffic
This development is being planned in an already congested area, with other large developments planned such as 6000 Plumas St.. The Appellants are concerned about losing the designated open space and adding to the congestion, making the area more dangerous for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. There are so many considerations that the developer doesn’t care about and the City of Reno City Council hasn’t even looked at.
Lakeridge Golf Course was built in 1969 and is a world famous course designed by Robert Trent Jones Sr.. The golf course is the centerpiece of the 900 Acre Master Planned Lakeridge Community. On January 13th, 2006, the Reno City Council passed Ordinance No. 5792 to add a new section to the Reno Municipal Code - Section 18.08.102(b).1156, to specifically dedicate this entire 157 acre golf course as open space. Neighborhoods within the Lakeridge Master Planned Community that surround the golf course have grown and developed with the presumption that the golf course will remain as open space.