Washoe County School Board Elections: Beadles versus Everyone

Editors note: These are independent statements by Margo Piscevich and are not supported or endorsed by the campaigns of any candidates mentioned, or any PACs. Save Our Reno is supportive of candidates who are for responsible and thoughtful in their actions and not directed by reactionary, partisan politics.

A screen capture of SaveWCSD.com

Hello everyone,

Here are my endorsements for the Washoe County School Board:

Please vote for:

District B: Ellen Minetto
District C: Joseph Rodriquez
District D: Elizabeth “Beth” Smith
District F: Adam Mayberry

Robert Beadles is trying to take over the school board and it is rumored he is putting $250,000 into the races. The school board takeover team is following Jeff Church’s campaign and now is under “Save WCSD” and their website is www.savewcsd.com. The campaign organizer is Bev Stenehjem and she was slated to be the replacement trustee for Angie Taylor if Beadles' recall was successful; fortunately it failed. Robert Beadles' team is made up of two candidates for each of the 4 seats.

The takeover teams are:

District B - Cathy Kennedy-Reyes and Colleen Westlake.

Please vote for ELLEN MINETTO

District C - Melanie Sutton and Kurt Sutton.

Please vote for JOSEPH RODRIGUEZ

District D - Edgard Hitti and Jeff Baclet.

Please vote for ELIZABETH “BETH” SMITH

District F - Vincent “Mon” Bertucci and Graerne Reid.


The opponents take a “pledge" but key points are no teaching of "transsexual theories," removing protections for trans students, allowing state money "to follow the child" where ever their parents educate them, and not to serve the "needs and desires" of the teachers, banning some books, among others.

Please vote in this very important election.



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